If you don’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to reach out to our team for personalized assistance. We’re here to ensure you have all the information you need to make informed decisions and get the most out of our services.

What is a CLO?

CLO, or Chief Learning Officer:

A Chief Learning Officer (CLO) is a key executive responsible for overseeing an organization’s learning and development initiatives. The primary focus of a CLO is to create and implement strategies that enhance the skills, knowledge, and overall performance of employees. CLOs play a crucial role in fostering a culture of continuous learning within the organization, ensuring that employees have access to relevant training programs, resources, and development opportunities. Their goal is to align learning initiatives with the company’s business objectives, driving innovation and growth.

What is a Sales Trainer?

A Sales Trainer is a professional who specializes in enhancing the selling skills and performance of sales teams. Their role involves designing and delivering training programs that equip sales professionals with the knowledge and techniques necessary to excel in their roles. Sales trainers focus on various aspects of the sales process, including prospecting, effective communication, objection handling, and closing deals. They may also provide ongoing coaching to help sales representatives adapt to market changes and refine their strategies. The ultimate aim of a sales trainer is to contribute to the success of the sales team by ensuring they are well-equipped to meet and exceed their targets.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are you different from other training services out there?

Traditional training often follows a one-size-fits-all approach, focusing on generalized principles that might not fully align with the specific challenges or opportunities within your organization. My approach is radically different.

Firstly, my programs are built on what I call an “Adaptive Conversational Blueprint” which places the focus on creating an immediate, tangible impact on your bottom line. This isn’t just about teaching skills; it’s about shifting mindsets to drive behavioral changes that resonate throughout your company culture.

Secondly, I utilize the latest in psychological techniques to ensure not just learning but the application of learning. This takes the form of adaptive learning paths, gamified elements, and constant feedback loops that make the learning experience engaging and effective.

Moreover, I’ve lectured and coached across the U.S. and internationally, which has given me a nuanced understanding of diverse corporate training needs. From this wealth of experience, I’ve designed courses that are globally aware yet locally applicable.
Additionally, I bring the fine attention to detail and problem-solving mindset of a Master Mason, meaning the solutions we build will be both meticulously crafted and incredibly sturdy, metaphorically speaking.

So, when you choose to work with me, you’re not just getting a training program. You’re investing in a comprehensive, customized learning experience that’s designed to meet your needs, supercharge your team, and transform your business.

How do you evaluate the success of a training program?

Evaluating the success of a training program is critical to ensure that we’re not just “checking a box” but genuinely elevating performance and driving measurable outcomes. Here’s how I approach it:

1. Baseline Metrics: Before any training begins, I gather data on key performance indicators that the training aims to improve. This could be sales numbers, customer satisfaction rates, or employee performance metrics, depending on your specific goals.

2. Qualitative Feedback: Throughout the training program, I gather qualitative data through surveys, interviews, and direct observation. This helps to adjust the training in real time and ensures that it resonates with the participants.

3. Skill Application: I follow up post-training to evaluate how well participants are applying new skills in their roles. This often involves discussions with team leaders and a review of performance metrics to gauge impact.

4. ROI Calculation: Ultimately, the success of any training is reflected in the ROI. By comparing pre- and post-training metrics, we can directly measure the impact of the training on your bottom line.

5. Longitudinal Studies: Training shouldn’t just create a temporary boost but have a lasting impact. I conduct follow-up evaluations at regular intervals, often at 3, 6, and 12 months, to measure the sustained effects of the training.

6. Continuous Improvement: The data gathered is used to refine future training programs. This ensures that we’re always in a cycle of continuous improvement, adapting to new challenges and opportunities as they arise.

In summary, my evaluation isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s a continuous, iterative process that goes beyond the classroom to measure real-world applications and impacts. This rigorous approach ensures that we’re always moving the needle, turning training from a cost center into a strategic investment.

Do you work remotely or do you offer live training sessions?

To cater to diverse client needs and learning environments, I offer a multifaceted approach to training delivery. This includes remote training sessions, which leverage cutting-edge virtual platforms to create interactive and highly engaging learning experiences from the comfort of your own offices or homes. These sessions are specifically designed to emulate the collaborative atmosphere of in-person training while incorporating digital tools that enrich the learning process.

In addition to remote training, I also provide on-site training programs for clients who value face-to-face interactions and the unique benefits that come with in-person facilitation. These programs are meticulously tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization, and I personally travel to your location to ensure a seamless and impactful learning experience.

In essence, whether it’s remote or on-site, my training solutions are designed to be as adaptable as they are effective, ensuring that your team receives a customized, high-impact training experience that aligns with your organizational goals.

What is your pricing model?

My pricing model is designed to provide maximum flexibility and value for your organization. Here are some of the ways we can structure our engagement:

1. Project-Based Pricing: For larger scope initiatives, I offer a comprehensive project fee that can be divided into milestone-based payments. This gives you predictability in budgeting and ensures that key deliverables are met at each stage.

2. Daily Facilitation Rate: If your needs are primarily around on-site or remote training facilitation, a per-day rate can be established. This allows you to leverage my expertise for specific events or intensive training periods.

3. Hourly Instructional Design: If your focus is on creating customized training materials, courses, or curricula, I offer an hourly rate that lets you scale the level of effort according to your specific needs.

4. Package Deals: Need both facilitation and instructional design? I offer bundled services at a reduced rate, creating a holistic training experience for your team while delivering excellent value for your investment.

5. Retainer-Based Services: Many of my clients find immense value in retaining my services on an ongoing basis. A monthly retainer ensures priority scheduling and consistent availability for various tasks, including instructional design, meeting attendance, and direct consultations with your leaders and sales teams.

Each of these pricing options can be tailored to suit your unique requirements, ensuring that you get exactly the services you need within the budget you have.

What is your "Adaptive Conversational Blueprint?"

Introducing the “Adaptive Conversational Blueprint” — a game-changing strategy that transcends the boundaries of traditional sales conversations. This blueprint utilizes Authentic Interactions to dismantle preconceived notions a prospect might have about your product, replacing misconceptions with genuine understanding and motivation to act.

Our six-pronged approach delves deep into the psyche of your potential customer. We begin by uncovering their current perception of your product, contrasting it with its actual capabilities. This reality check sets the stage for the rest of the dialogue.

Next, we identify the core need that drives your prospect’s interest in your product category, enabling us to craft messaging that speaks directly to what truly matters to them. We then assess their perceived odds of success, laying out a clear and compelling case for how your product increases those odds.

Understanding the customer’s expectations for result timelines and their willingness for effort investment is equally critical. Are they looking for quick wins or sustainable success? How much work are they willing to put into it? Knowing this allows us to tailor our messaging in a way that not only resonates but also motivates.

The culmination of these Authentic Interactions is an unassailable narrative, crafted to break the conditioning that has been inhibiting your prospect. Our Adaptive Conversational Blueprint doesn’t just sell; it educates, motivates, and converts, paving the way for more meaningful customer relationships and, ultimately, business success.

Ready to start your growth journey?